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5 Signs You Need a DSLR Class

5 Signs You Need a DSLR Class

Digital cameras have become so ubiquitous in our culture that it seems impossible that a single moment of anyone’s life might go undocumented. New moms are especially guilty of this, and why not? There is nothing more precious (or adorable) in this world than a baby. So it’s understandable that you want to capture all those precious moments. No one is judging.

While camera phones have come a LONG WAY, a digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera is still the instrument of choice for those who want a great photo. Especially the kind that you would want to turn into a holiday card or put over the mantle. Many moms, including myself have purchased these, not inexpensive, cameras and then felt overwhelmed by all there is to learn. Plus, you’re busy with your bundle(s) of joy and there just isn’t enough time in the day. WRONG!


I’m here to tell you to make the time – specifically 4 hours. Click Photo Designs by Sarah Brewer in Madison offers a wonderful Beginning DSLR Photography Class (cost is $125) every couple of months on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. I took the class she offered in January and, while it didn’t change my life, it definitely changed my photography. I finally know how to use my camera!

At the beginning of the class Sarah spells out the purpose as “Learn When to Get Out of Auto and How.” Bring your Nikon or Canon and get ready to shoot. Sarah usually has another professional photographer there to assist with the hands-on part of the class and you’ll figure out (with their help) what every doo-dad on your camera is for and you’ll be amazed at how much it can do!

Classes are usually offered in January and June each year and tend to sell out quickly but you can also be put on her mailing list and get details about the next one if you miss out this time. Still not sure?

Take this easy 5-question quiz below to find out if investing in a DSLR photography class if for you.

Is This You?
  1. You’ve never taken your camera out of auto-mode (except maybe by accident).
  2. Aperture, ISO, and Shutter Speed might as well be foreign words for all you know about how they are used in photography. (The same could be said about the 120-page manual that came with the camera).
  3. Yes, despite the fact you have a DSLR, almost all of your photos are taken with your iPhone.
  4. You see gorgeous photos filled with light and you WANT that but have no idea how to make it happen.
  5. You learn best when someone who knows what they are doing is walking you through the steps as you are doing them.

If any of those sound familiar, contact Sarah at and sign up for this class. You won’t regret it and you will end of with fantastic photos that are totally “mantle-worthy.”



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