Embracing the Softness
I look different now than I did before I was pregnant. My feet are bigger (that’s one they don’t tell you) and some parts are…softer.
Last week I ran across a statement that Jessica Alba recently made regarding her body before and after having a baby. It wasn’t a super political statement, she just acknowledged that her body was different and it wasn’t going to ever be the same.
The thing is, that is kind of a revolutionary idea nowadays.
Our celebrity and youth obsessed culture puts so much importance on the size of a woman’s waistline (or thigh, or breast) that even the most natural act in the world – a mother creating life in her womb – is seen as detrimental to her value as a woman because it makes her “fat.” What other conclusion can you make when the cover of every magazine aimed at your gender screams out “So and So Back in Her Bikini Three Weeks After Giving Birth.”
I am never going to wear a bikini again. I am that mother who declares she “just had a baby,” even though that baby is now 3 years old. I’m okay with that.
Sure, I spend time at the gym trying to lose the baby weight and I work at eating healthier. But I don’t do those things because I’m worried about fitting into some stupid swimsuit. I do them because I want to be healthy, fit, and have lots of energy to keep up with my little one.
I do them to set an example for my daughter that beauty is running, jumping, having fun. Enjoying life to its fullest and laughing the whole time.
It is NOT worrying about those soft parts.
[box type=”1″ class=”rounded-5 shadow” width=”480″] For some true inspiration on body image and the important role mothers can play in shaping the next generation of women, read this mother’s lovely promise to her daughters.[/box]
Rocket City Mom is a website about raising children in and around Huntsville, Alabama. Started in late 2010 by a local mom and newcomer to Huntsville, Rocket City Mom has grown into a thriving community of local parents and now boasts a staff of four, thirteen regular contributors, and tens of thousands of Tennessee Valley readers making it the #1 Parenting Resource in North Alabama.