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“This isn’t us.” Huntsville mom encourages community to show support for Jewish friends and neighbors

“This isn’t us.” Huntsville mom encourages community to show support for Jewish friends and neighbors

This isn’t the Huntsville I know. This isn’t us. 

I keep seeing that over and over on all my social media feeds and I KNOW it’s true. Most of the people in our area are wonderful human beings who are busy right now #stayinghome and doing their part to help others whether that’s making homemade masks for essential workers, or funny TikTok videos to entertain friends and family.

But someone has brought hate front and center into our community in the most vile way and it’s not okay. While the police do their job and hopefully catch the culprit(s) quickly, local mom Brandy Lighthall reached out to Rocket City Mom about something each of us could to do show our love and solidarity with the local Jewish community.

We Stand With Them

“I’m not Jewish. But, I also can’t let this go down in my community without stopping and doing something,” says Lighthall. [Because of the quarantine] “there can’t be an in-person rally, but they can’t stop us from showing support from our homes! Let’s show our Jewish friends they aren’t alone. We stand with them.”

Inspired by Rocket City Mom’s Great Huntsville Easter Egg Hunt, Lighthall and her 13-year-old son, began working on printables that families could easily add to their windows. The printables are a heart with the #togetheragainstantisemitism logo in the middle.

Printable created by Huntsville mom (black & white version also available).

“We may not be able to go outside and rally, but we can inundate our homes and social media with the power of love.”

Rocket City Mom is encouraging everyone to join in this effort to show solidarity and prove that THIS ISN’T US. Imagine the message of love that would send if every window in North Alabama that had an egg or a bear also contained one of these hearts. ❤️


Heart Printable (color) | Heart Printable (black & white)


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