The Rocket City Mom Virtual Book Club was founded in 2016, before the pandemic and everything became virtual. We wanted it to be accessible to parents who were short on time but also craved adult interaction. If you love to read and discuss all kinds of books but don’t have the time to meet, violá – the Rocket City Mom Virtual Book Club is for you!
Our book club is sponsored by Huntsville’s local independent bookstore, The Snail on the Wall.
Step 1 – Join our Facebook Group
This is where it all happens. The beauty of the RCM Virtual Book Club is its flexibility—you can participate in a live online discussion for each selected title or add your thoughts to a discussion weeks (or months!) after it happens live. (Here’s the link!)
We host occasional author events and want to do many more. In the past the author of our selection has joined us in the live discussion or for a separate Q&A with our book club members.
Step 2 – Read the Book
We read a new title every other month (5-6 selections per year) to give busy people time to read before the discussion. Read our selected title anyway you want: check it out from the library, listen to it on audio, borrow it from a friend or purchase your own copy from the Snail. We will post a book review or an author interview prior to discussion to get our mental gears turning.
You participate live in a book discussion in the appropriate live discussion event in the Facebook Group by leaving comments and observations to posted questions. Participants are entered to win a copy of the next book selection, courtesy of the Snail on the Wall and a $25 gift certificate to The Snail, courtesy of Rocket City Mom.
Step 3 – Discuss!
We’ll announce the date of each discussion in our Facebook Group. On book club night, put the kids to bed, don your comfy PJs, grab your favorite beverage, and head to the Facebook event to discuss the book live. If you can’t make it live, no worries! You can keep it going and contribute your thoughts and impressions of the book’s themes and characters any time afterward. Share your comments up to 5 days after the live discussion to be entered into the drawing.
We can’t wait to have you at our next discussion
Ready to dive into the Rocket City Mom Virtual Book Club?
Check out some of our past book selections and author interviews!