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GASP – We’re On Winter Break!

GASP – We’re On Winter Break!

It’s not exactly a Silent Night over at our house, but it is that time of year when we here at Rocket City Mom slow down and spend some real quality time with our families. When we come back in January, you might notice some sparkly NEW things on our site… and that’s all we’ll say about that right now. 🙂

While that means no daily posts, it doesn’t mean you’ll be out of the loop for holiday fun. We’ll still be posting on Instagram and our Facebook Page if you want to join us over there!

Merry Christmas Links of Note


A HUGE thank you to the Huntsville Botanical Garden’s Galaxy of Lights and Rocket City Arcade for sponsoring our holiday guides and making them possible again this year. Without our partners we couldn’t keep doing what we do best – providing great resources and information to make parenting easier in the Rocket City and North Alabama!

And thanks to YOU, dear Readers, for a wonderful year – may your days be merry and bright, may you find yourself surrounded by friends and family, and may your hearts be full of good cheer and gratitude. We have lots of exciting things in store for you in 2018! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and see you next year!


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